Work With Us

Searching for answers to your health concerns is next to impossible if you are tired, overweight, have digestive issues, have skin conditions, have difficulty sleeping, have low libido, have headaches, aches, and pains, have foggy thinking, depression, and/or anxiety.

You may have a diagnosis, but you aren’t feeling any better. Medications have their own side effects. You try to wade through internet cures, but which ones really work? Many questions, but not many answers.

But, there ARE answers and you deserve to have them! With our backgrounds in functional medicine, chiropractic, nutrition, essential oils, the energy meridian system, Chinese medicine, and acupuncture, we create custom protocols specific to your background and body that will awaken you to the best version of yourself.

Start Now, no time to waste. The first step in working with us is to schedule a complementary 15-minute Discovery Session where Dr. Kim or Candace assesses your symptoms and your health goals.  we are able to understand the unique picture of who you are before we get to work.

During your first visit we create

  • Customized strategies for eating, shopping and cooking (in other words, we help you win at the grocery store)
  • Expert nutrition counseling, designed specifically for you (not some cookie-cutter program)
  • A plan for living that empowers you to take control of your health

After our initial visit, we order customized lab testing, so that we can see behind the curtain and look at all the variables affecting your health.

By your second visit

You will already be feeling a shift in how you feel! (Yes, that soon!) We will discuss the lab findings and continue modifying your plan. Each patient is unique, but on average we recommend 1 visit per week for 4 weeks. Your progress will determine the next part of your treatment plan and will be adjusted as needed.

Starting off on a new health path requires guidance, patience and love. With our 40 years of combined education and experience we feel confident in giving you hope and answers where there was confusion and frustration.

We work with patients locally in our suburban Chicago office, nationally, or globally via Skype, Zoom, or phone.


Contact us today at for more information on getting started.